The Writing House is a venue for discussing writing and the writing life hosted by Susan Hanniford Crowley, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance author.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Snow is coming! Happy Holidays!
On the up side, I've been guest blogging a lot regarding A Vampire for Christmas and even The Stormy Love Life of Laura Cordelais (which is being sold in several places now in addition to All Romance Ebooks and is even becoming available for Kindle sometimes tomorrow). That's exciting.
The upside of snowing is that while it's blowing, I can peacefully retreat into my own private writing world. Right now, my mind is on taking care of the family. So I'm making a list of what I need before the snow hits. When that's done, I'll decorate.
May your world be filled with good health, good food, and dear people and pets you want to keep close. Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 11, 2009
I was honored to be invited to talk about paranormal romance on the SFWA blog. Here's the link to the article.
I'm a long-time member of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) and I've been a romance writer for almost two years and a member of RWA for not quite one year. I hope I did justice to describing paranormal romance. It's a lot to live up to--such an exciting genre.
Drop over and take a look.
Friday, December 04, 2009
A Vampire for Christmas
Trevor Stenwood, a vampire and Arnhem Knight, is handsome, sophisticated, and tongue-tied every time he sees her. Sworn to protect the supernaturals of the city, he's fallen for a woman marked for death by demons. How can he save her when she's afraid of him?
At Christmas time in
I'm so excited that it's out. Note the blood dripping new logo for the VIM Vampires in Manhattan. WHEN LOVE SURVIVES and THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS are prequels. I'm still so excited. I'm giving a holiday party on Nights of Passion blog on Dec. 19th and 20th -- If you like, please, come.
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Here is an excerpt from my debut contemporary vampire romance novel, THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS. In this novel Vampire David Hilliard meets his life mate, a tormented and very different supernatural. But once he has Laura can he keep her?
Excerpt Rating - PG
Laura struggled through the dark and burst through a great light. She gasped for breath and it filled her. Warmth spread through her every part, then a surge of energy she didn’t understand. Her heart beat. Differently. Odd. Different from any feeling she’d ever had. Her eyelashes fluttered and then in the dim light of a strange windowless room, she saw a man’s face.
His dark, curly hair framed his chiseled features. What struck her most were his dark, fathomless eyes. I can get lost in those eyes and never want to leave.
He smiled.
She flushed. I hope he can’t hear what I’m thinking.
I can.
She sat up, smiling with embarrassment. “You pulled me out of the river?”
“Thank you.” Laura trembled. “I don’t understand. I was dying.”
“You were very badly injured in the fall. I was going to take you to the hospital, but you said, ‘No hospital.’ That you’d keep trying to kill yourself.” His jaw tightened. “I couldn’t bear the idea of your death. Please, forgive me, but I couldn’t let you die.” He gazed deeply into her eyes.
Laura moved her tongue inside her mouth and came across the fangs.
“Oh, my God!” She tried to sit up, but he pushed her gently down.
“Don’t get up just yet. You’re still healing.”
“You made me a vampire?” Every tale she’d heard as a child in New Orleans rushed back to her. Vampires were monsters. “Now I’m a monster!” Anger flushed through her. How dare he make her this! He had no right. She seethed.
“No. You are not a monster. Neither am I. I gave you a life. It’s your choice how you live it.”
Then another emotion unexpectedly filled her, when she gazed up into his eyes. I couldn’t bear the idea of your death. His tender words echoed in her entire being and soothed her broken heart, as if he’d kissed her lips without touching her. She looked at him with wonder, reached up and caressed the young beard on his chin. He smiled and she could see his fangs now.
Strangely, she wasn’t frightened.
“We must do the last part.” He bit into his arm just inside the elbow and put it against her mouth.
“No.” She pushed his arm away.
“You need it to stop the hunger from possessing you. Just close your eyes and drink.”
The blood oozed into her mouth, as he pressed his arm against her lips. At first, she choked and sputtered but then finally accepted it. Laura tried not to think about what it really was.
The warmth reminded her of ginger tea with a citrus tang.
“Since I am your sire, my blood will give you a balanced mind. You will not need to feed again until tonight.”
After a few more minutes, she pushed him away. The wound on his arm healed before her eyes. Wide-eyed, she smiled. “I feel so strong and well. I don’t ache or hurt anywhere.” Then his reference to being her sire struck her. “So you own me now!” Her anger flared again along with her strength. She slapped him.
“What was that for?” He held his hand to his cheek.
“Oh, I don’t know. You made me a vampire and now you own me. Take your pick.”
David gazed upward. “This isn’t going well.”
“Who are you talking to?”
Laura scoffed. “A vampire talks to God? Does God answer you?”
David frowned at her and sighed. ”God apparently has one hell of a sense of humor.”
“What does that mean?”
“Never mind. Let’s get back to the subject at hand. No, I do not own you. I have no claim on you whatsoever. You are free to decide where you want to be and with whom. I’ll help you get started, that’s all.” With every word, he seemed more uncomfortable. “We do have a blood tie though, so if you ever need my help, just think of me and I’ll come. I’ll find you.”
Her anger dissipated. Laura enjoyed seeing him vulnerable. And he didn’t hit her back. She smiled. “I don’t know your name.”
“I’m David Hilliard.”
This time she gently touched his face. “I’m Laura Cordelais.”
He held her hand to his cheek and closed his eyes.
Laura gasped as she realized her surroundings. “Do you live here?”
“No.” He chuckled. “I just needed to get you out of the sun. I have an apartment.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I thought I’d have to live in a cemetery.”
Laura looked around at the grim tomb. A spider crawled up the stone wall nearest her, and she trembled. “I’m afraid of small, closed spaces. And bugs.”
He enclosed her in his arms. “Don’t be afraid. As soon as it’s dark, we’ll leave.”
Her mouth was so close to his, she could almost taste him. Then he pressed his firm lips against hers.
Hmm. He tastes of honey. I love honey.
Their fangs knocked together. Laura giggled nervously.
“Shall we try that again?” he suggested.
She nodded.
David gently took her chin and tilted her head slightly. Then his lips possessed hers again.
Laura tingled from head to toe and wondered if a vampire was capable of love. She hoped David was.
When their lips parted, Laura frowned.
“I’m still angry with you.”
“Really? You don’t sound that angry.”
“I’m furious with you. I mean you made me a vampire.”
“Are you furious?” He carefully pushed a hair off her face and kissed her forehead.
“Now that’s not fair. Are you using your hypnotic powers on me?”
“No. I want everything between us to be real.” He kissed her left temple and moved down her jaw line. His mouth caressed her lips. His tongue rubbed her fangs.
“Whoa.” Rubbing her fangs stirred a passion so hot, it was hard to ignore. Still. He had just made her a vampire. All his distractions were making her forget that. She should be angry with him, but his kiss stirred up a frenzy of desire.
The excerpt is based on David’s earlier request to God to take pity on his loneliness. Of course, keeping her is a whole different issue. The two are torn apart by supernatural forces that refuse to see a vampire together with a Telkhine, and it’s here that Laura truly discovers the enormity of her powers. Will she be able to stay with David?
THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS is available at All Romance Ebooks at
The novella that started it all is there too. WHEN LOVE SURVIVES (about two supernatural rescue workers at the World Trade Center)
For more information, visit Susan at
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Understanding Publishing
It hits you when you see the cover. Not when you sign the contract. Not when the rewrites come. But when you see the cover. By the way, the book is a paranormal romance novella of 15,00o words and is available at
Now I've got more edits and two deadlines looming. My second novella A VAMPIRE FOR CHRISTMAS is in production. Also what is even more exciting is that my full length novel THE STORMY LOVE LIFE OF LAURA CORDELAIS is being published and is also in production.
Then I'll get excited again, when after they come out in print, they'll come out in print next year.
So what am I doing for Thanksgiving. Being incredibly grateful ... and continuing to write the next full length novel in the series.
But yes, I'm still excited and I hope to after many years to learn about the publishing business.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Home from Albacon and Published
While at Albacon, I stole away an hour here and there to finish another novella that I promised my editor. There's something soothing about writing at a conference. I find it gives a special quality to the story to be partially created in the midst of living with science fiction and fantasy folk. I had to finish it by Oct. 15th, which was also the release date for WHEN LOVE SURVIVES.
As soon as I came home I had an interview at Paranormal Romantics. Today WHEN LOVE SURVIVES was released at All Romance Ebooks It's a contemporary paranormal romance novella, 15,000 words and it can be purchased for 99 cents. Courtship and sex, adventure and courage all wrapped up in one story.
a.c. Mason interviewed me for Nights of Passion. Yes, that's my other blog. It's rather funny being interviewed by someone who knows you. I kidded Mason a lot. She's fun that way. You'll just have to see the interview to know what I'm talking about. Plaid.
While my editor edits my full-length novel, I'm writing another one. Being a writer is being in perpetual motion, always writing, researching, living, and writing. It's important to always include living. I don't think I could be a writer if I had to be a recluse.
It's snowing today. Yes, a great day for writing. But not enough snow for snow angels and snow men. Not yet.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Making Romance History in Albany Oct. 9th
Sunday, September 20, 2009
So Much is Happening
The fall is happening. The nights are getting colder and a few trees are changing color. It's also the season in my life when everything is happening at once. I have a job as a webmaster--lots of projects and meetings.
I'm now officially a romance author under contract. WHEN LOVE SURVIVES is currently in the editing stage. I'm writing another small book. It has a deadline. I'm also printing out my full length novel to send to my editor. At the same time, I'm trying to help my youngest pull together her wedding. There's just a few things left to do. Don't let me forget the runner for the aisle or the decoration for the archway.
Oh, and I'm on staff and program at Albacon, the science fiction and fantasy convention of Albany, NY, on Oct. 8-11. Thursday night there's an agent/publisher panel event. Friday there's the writer's conference with writing workshops and romance panels. From 3-5 that day in the Sovereign Best Western, the booksigning will be open to the public. If you have any of the books of Jackie Kessler, Virginia Reede, Toni Andrews, K.A. Laity, C. Marge Kempe, Cat Johnson, Audra and Stella Price, Robert C.M. DeCaprio, Melissa Mead, then Jessica Andersen, then come, meet the authors and have them signed. Books will also be on sale there as well. Vampire expert Inanna Arthen will be there with her latest book. I'm definitely getting one. By the way Audra won't be there, but Stella will.
If you're part of the convention, you can eat at the Ice Cream Social. They'll be a concert and a Vampire Ball. I'm still trying to decide what to wear.
Saturday is filled with panels on Science Fiction, the banquet, the art demonstration. I'm sure I'm forgetting things and they continue into Sunday.
I have a lot that I've posted on If you want a glimpse into my personal life, check out today's post. Coming up this week are a.c. Mason, guest Sandra Sookoo cooking up romance, BB Roberts, and Mayan doomsday author Jessica Andersen. Nights of Passion is always so much fun.
If you are so inclined to write, I've just posted the weekly writing exercise. This week I require you to get more exercise than usual. Try it out at
It's always nice to hear from people. Wherever you drop by, be sure to post and say Hi. If you're in Albany most definitely. Thanks. See you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
What's Happening?
Monday, August 17, 2009
What's Happening at Nights of Passion, Albacon, and more
What does this mean for me? Well, I'll learn a lot from some writers I've just met and others I've known for a while. Now I won't kid you on this other part, but blogging--the physical act of putting everything up and downloading and sometimes resizing photos is a lot of work. I do all that on top of my own writing, editing, my website, and then day job as a webmaster. I'm also on staff for Albacon which is Albany, NY's science fiction and fantasy conference on Oct.9-11. Albacon is making history with its romantic Friday, panels with romance writers and workshops on writing. The entire weekend is a blast. If you think you're going to be near Albany during those dates, register now at
Going back to everything--ah, yes, I'm the crazy person who is still traveling at light speed. Actually I have moments when I think I'm moving rather slowly. Hmm, I wonder what that means. Believe it or not I'm still part of a family. They sort of work around me at time, and other times drag me out of the house into life. I also have friends that do the same. It's easier living an overstuffed life when people love you. I really appreciate them.
I don't have a counter on this blog only subscriptions, but when I'm at conventions, people walk up to me and comment on The Writing House. Thank you so very much for dropping by and if you want to join in on this huge education in both romance and in writing in general, drop by
It's always great to hear from you.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Don't Feel Like Talking--Much
Sooner of later if you really get to talk to writers, they will tell you that their characters talk to them. My vampires will bare their fangs if they think I'm ignoring their book. I have another book about dragons--they blow fire. I find that writing demands uninterrupted time. I try to write for snatches when I get free time, but sometimes I just do a day in bed with the laptop. I know that does not sound romantic, but when you're writing adventure and romance or adventure in romance, that's the only way to do it--get cozy with your laptop. I let the air conditioner blow on the poor mechanical beast.
So now I'm off into the night. Yes, that's right, like a vampire or werewolf. I'll kickbox for 45 minutes, come home and write until I collapse. But I'll be incredibly happy typing across that keyboard as fast as I can every wonderful bleeding word. When I dream, I'll still be writing. That's what it's like inside an author's head.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Talking about Vampires Continue
Watching "Coraline" about alternate realities. Hmm. I know there's a lot wrong with my reality, but I sort of like it. Perhaps it's because I'm writing about vampires and other creatures that go bump in the night and other realities. :-)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Happening at Nights of Passion
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Virtual Vacation to Egypt

First they entered between pillars and then went down a dark hall sloping always downward. You get a sense of the silence and magesty. There's also the feeling of ancient eyes watching, observing. What are you doing there? Why are you there?

We've found her. I think that's Queen Nefertiti. I'm going to sit here for a while and just admire her. After all, I've come a long way just to get here. There's no hurry to get back. It's dark, cool, silent and I can almost hear her whisper to me.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Writing Tips and and News on Nights of Passion
I've gotten chatty on Nights of Passion. There's a lot of good advice for writers up today--advice from authors Carmen Hines talking about author and contest judge Toni Andrews. I talk about organizing ideas. I also invite guest bloggers to write about their favorite romance novel or romantic movie. Come visit. There's too much to write here. Visit us at the link above.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Two Movies that Excite or Make you Giggle
So much going on: writing, editing, editing for a friend, setting up an interview for Nights of Passion, setting up a bridal shower, a birthday party, webmastering, and I know I've forgotten something. Ever have one of those days, when you know you've forgotten something. Oh, and waiting for the transfer of my domain to be complete. In the middle time, I've changed over links. If you would like to see my brand new website before the domain transfer is complete,
check out: I'd love to hear your comments.
Monday, June 15, 2009
An Amazingly Busy Week/Virtual Vacation
My brain is in overdrive what with working on my own book and blogging like a maniac.
I've come up with the concept of giving myself a virtual vacation. Since I can't go on an actual vacation, a virtual one is all I've got. I'm going to start by laying on the grassy bank of a river with my hand in the water as it flows by. I stare up at the interlaced branches of trees. Greens in varying shades mixes with gold light weaving through and making my vision fold into the surreal. The cool water is so refreshingly calming.
I won't think of anything.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Overwhelming My World
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Nights of Passion Interview and Contest with Emily Bryan
Monday, April 27, 2009
And the World Speeds Up
There are moments when you just want to lie among the stars and feel the cool soothing breeze of the universe blow over you. You're in the way. You're going with it, and it's providing comfort, contentment, and a little bit of chaos.
I will always remember A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'Engle. One of the characters, Mrs Whatsit, talks about her memory of being a star. Not the kind of star of a movie or tv show, but a star that shimmers in the dark night. The star we gaze at and it fills us with a serenity. She had sacrificed herself by blowing up in an attempt to stop a great evil. A noble death and a wondrous rebirth into a new form.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Living at Light Speed
I edited a story for a friend, which is always good for me as it hones my talents as well as help someone else. I'm editing me, and I'm always harsher on me.
I wrote several email letters to friends. Proofread taxes with my husband to get that signed and in the mail.
Now I still have some critiques to review on my work and then critique the work of others. I may be floating into tomorrow with this.
I'm also writing an original storyline. Not done yet.
Of course, I've Twittered, blogged twice, and checked the website. I've visited other blogs and I've Facebooked.
I did eat and walk the dog a couple of times. I did watch "Enchanted" and "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". I think I watched some other things but not really. See what I mean about busy.
At least I can't wake up in the morning and say I have nothing to do. With a writer, there is always something to write. Something to explore. Research that needs to be done.
Now as it says in Douglas Adams's book Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "Don't Panic!" I'm not losing it, I've just adjusted to living at light speed.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The World is Spinning
Letting go can free you. Try it.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Trying to Keep Going and Being Patient
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Dreams and Snow
My little dog loves this. Pete wants to be a Husky when he grows up. He flies off the stoop and lands in snow that blankets the yard. Tomorrow it will be deeper and I will have to rescue him. He counts on me, knowing that whatever he does, I will rescue him. Pete's such a wild ball of fluff. That's why I keep him always close to me. He doesn't go anywhere alone, but he doesn't seem to mind. I think he thinks the leash is so I won't get lost. He believes that he's supposed to watch movies and eat snacks. What a happy life he leads.
The lovely thing about snow is the dreams that grow when the world grows colder. Dreams flow through my sleep giving me epic stories to write. The white blanket temporarily blurs the world and drives us all back into our homes. It is there that we realize what we love, what we care about, and what we get to spend time doing in the home for a change separate from the world. Sometimes it's good to cherish what we have for a while. The snow makes that possible.
So if you get the chance to stay home, take it. Use it to write, to play, to do those things you don't get to do, to love, to contemplate on what make life a treasure that sparkles. Dance in your dream tonight and you'll realize . . . What you find is your treasure.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
It's Okay to Breathe/Help a Bonsai Tree
For a part-time job, I'm a university webmaster. So yes, I'm traveling at lightspeed and possibly a little weird from too much chocolate. I blame Valentine's Day. That's when my romance blog, Nights of Passion, was born. It was my official entry to the world or romance, besides becoming a RWA member.
Now if you think I'm done, I'm not. To prevent myself from becoming a lump in front ot the computer, I go to a dojo and Thai kickbox. I find it very peaceful. To keep my brain and nerves from fizzing, I do spiritual exercises.
I'm a mom with two grown daughter, a husband, a dog, a cat, and a rose bush that's doing well, and a Bonsai tree that's not. Anyone with suggestions on the care and feeding of a Bonsai tree, please, help!!!
Ta ta. I'm off to update the creative writing exercise on my website.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Romancing the Blog
What does that mean? I'm on a new adventure. This week I just found out that the magazine BEYOND CENTAURI which has my most current sf story, "She Came to Sing," has done so well that they are temporarily sold out. Hooray! This week a daughter announced she was engaged. This week I started submitting my new book manuscript to agents. Yes, it's a paranormal romance. I'm already writing another.
What else does this mean? A new and different blog--a romance blog. In the blurry hours before Valentine's Day morning, I built
If you're a romantic at heart, drop by. I'm talking romance with movie and book reviews, upcoming books soon to be released. Who knows? At some point, I may even be announcing my new book. Not yet though. Be patient.
Life is a romance and the lovely thing now is that science fiction and fantasy has joined the game of love.
My husband took me out to dinner and dancing for Valentine's Day. I hope your day was equally fun. Ta ta for now.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Booksigning--an education and a blast
And there was all the different genres of romance to choose from ranging from contemporary, erotic, paranormal, and historical. It was a light-hearted, fun time. What I particularily enjoyed were the readings. At different times, it was announced that one of the authors would read. "Oh, wow!" is all I can say.
Here are the web sites of the authors I met. I've attached their links so you can visit their sites.
Annette Blair
Kristan Higgins
Marie Force
Stella Price (I actually already knew Stella.)
Jessica Andersen
Cat Johnson,
Tilly Greene
Allie Boniface
Donna Michaels
Leigh Ellwood
Denise Eagan
Emily Bryan
Isabelle Santiago
Kathryn Smith
Toni Andrews
Ah, Valentine's Day and a little romance reading is just the thing!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
The Wildness of the Season
So I've finished one book and have started another. So begins the flurry of submitting and finding the balance in my day. A certain portion goes to sending things out, while another part of the day belongs to the new book. Of course, I'm working, kickboxing, and being part of a family too. Never! Never forget to hug the dog. He loves that. However, if I hug my cat, her eyes bugs out, she wiggles out of my arms, and gives me the most incredulous look as if I've lost my mind. Isis is not the warmest kitty on the planet. She believes in boundaries.
During my part unconsciousness of the flu which started last Sunday night, I started reading the TWILIGHT series. I'm halfway thorugh the 3rd book. Very intriguing.
I'm typing this during the Superbowl. They just had another beer commercial on--the one with the Clydesdale horses. I'm such a sucker for a good Clydesdale commercial. Years ago, when I was visiting Busch Gardens in Virginia, I got to see a baby Clydesdale--this very small delicate looking colt with huge feet. He was a bouncing happy guy though.
Enjoy the solitude of Winter while you can. It's nature's rest break. We can all use more sleep and dream time in our lives.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Home from Arisia
The panels are fun. This year I had the honor of being the moderator for the "Vampires vs. Werewolves Debate". It was hilarious, uproarious fun. I love full room debates. Whenever I can get everyone to participate, I have the most fun. The werewolves did weaken their argument when they admitted to chasing their own tails. Their comment regarding mirrors was easily deflected. All in all, I'd have to call the debate a draw. I imagine the debate between the two factions will undoubtedly continue for centuries. Ah, so much to look forward to.
I also moderated the "I'll Be Back" panel. Not only was it informative, but my research actually helped me write my synopsis for my book. Just by studying the structure of the movies, I was able to finally see the structure. The discussion on time travel was very educational from various viewpoints, and just goes to show how difficult it is to write convincing time travel. Consistency being an issue.
I enjoyed being a panelist on the "Responsible Monogamy." It was very pleasant to exchange ideas on the subject, and for those in the room with questions, I sincerely hope we were of some help.
The panel on "Publicizing Your Book" was extremely educational. I took copious notes and really valued the list of books they recommended. Some things I knew, but some I didn't. I grew in practical knowledge by attending that very valuable panel.
Meeting people is always a highlight. An editor I know gave me excellent advice concerning my synopsis and book manuscript. I met romance writers from Albany, and I'm finding the company of romance writers to be increasingly enlightening. Paranormal romance is finding a home in the sf/f cons and it makes perfect sense. The more I read of paranormal romance, I find it fits perfectly into speculative fiction. The plots are so exciting. Heroines save worlds and still find time to fall in love. ;-)
The challenge for the weekend was returning home. I left Boston around 1 with snow blustering around me. The city streets were slick, but the Mass Pike at 40 mph was better. The snow stopped around Framingham, but after I entered Connecticut, it started again in Danielson for a short while. I was glad to be home, because it really snowed that evening.
I'm alway happy to attend Arisia. It adds so much to my life--meeting great people and being part of a marvelous adventure together.
Other events of importance that happened at the same time was:
The latest issue of Space and Time Magazine came out. I'm an associate editor with Space and Time.
The latest issue of Beyond Centauri came out. My sf story "She Came to Sing" is in this issue.
It's been a great month so far.